Developing a library strategic response to Artificial Intelligence


  • Andrew Cox University of Sheffield



AI, Artificial Intelligence


AI is ‘the defining technology of our generation’ according to a recent joint statement by the UK and US governments. We all understand that it is likely to impact library and information work profoundly, so it is important to try and be more than reactive and think strategically about the opportunities and problems it is creating. The article poses nine key questions for consideration, and reflects on some answers that might support a more strategic library approach to AI. 

Author Biography

Andrew Cox, University of Sheffield

Andrew Cox is a senior lecturer at the Information School, University of Sheffield, and author of his independently researched report - ‘The Impact of AI, machine learning, automation and robotics on the information profession’ - published by the UK library and information association (CILIP) in 2020. It called for a ‘joined-up and coherent response from information professionals, enabling us to maximise the benefits of AI, machine learning, automation and robotics for information users while mitigating the emerging risks.' He is convenor of the IFLA special interest group on AI and the chair elect of the ASIS&T SIG on AI.


