An Authoritative Linked Data Interlinking Approach for the Library Domain
Linked Data, Digital, DataAbstract
A fascinating feature on Linked Data (LD) for libraries, archives and other cultural heritage institutions. Lucy McKenna is in the final year of her PhD in the ADAPT Centre, Trinity College Dublin. The Centre, funded by Science Foundation Ireland, ‘focuses on developing next generation digital technologies that transform how people communicate by helping to analyse, personalise and deliver digital data more effectively for businesses and individuals. ADAPT researchers are based in four leading universities: Trinity College Dublin, Dublin City University, University College Dublin and Dublin Institute of Technology. ADAPT's transformative tools allow you explore video, text, speech and image data in a natural way across languages and devices, helping companies unlock opportunities that exist within digital content to re-imagine how to connect people, process and data to realise new economic value.’ Lucy invites library and information professionals to evaluate an LD interlinking framework that she has developed as part of her research. She is also looking for information professionals who would like to trial the framework locally to create interlinks from their organisation’s LD datasets.
Copyright (c) 2020 Lucy Mckenna

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